Ready to Upload Your Masterpiece?

  • Fantastic news! You're just a few steps away from showcasing your film on the Tubi™ platform. Here’s how it works:

    Submission Completion: Ensure you've dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's on the submission form, fulfilling each of the specified requirements.

    Contract Finalization: Once everything is confirmed and your contract is signed, sealed, and delivered, we're in business!

    Secure Upload Link: We will provide you with a personalized, secure link and password. This is your golden ticket to submit your film to Tubi™ .

    Need a Hand?

    Got any burning questions or need a bit of guidance? Don’t hesitate to drop us an email. Our team is here to support you every step of the way:

    Let’s Make Waves Together

    We're not just about uploading content; we're about launching visions and dreams into the viewing sphere of the world. We can’t wait to work with you and help bring your film(s) to the eyes and hearts of our global audience. Here’s to making an impact together!